
Course Information

Education Research Capstone (EDU 586)

Term: 2024-2025 Academic Year Spring


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Wed, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM (1/13/2025 - 5/2/2025) Location: WEB WEB WEB


This course requires the continued study of issues related to effective instructional practices. The student will examine the literature of self-selected theoretical literature and their relevant pedagogical strategies for the purpose of designing an appropriate study and carrying out in a school classroom or any educational setting. In this course, the student completes the required thesis for his or her degree program. Ideally, prior to the start of this course students had collected data for analysis. The student will then write a report suitable for publication in an applied journal following APA style (American Psychological Association, 7th Ed.). Electronic portfolios will also be completed during this capstone course. (6 Credit Hours) NBPTS 5 Core Propositions – National Board for Professional Teaching Standards – NBPTS ( )
Pre-requisite: EDU 520 or RSH 520