
Course Information

Advanced Learning Theories (EDU 510)

Term: 2002-2003 Academic Year 2A (Gr


Mr. Rich Payne
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Wed, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (10/30/2002 - 12/11/2002)


This is an advanced learning and instructional theory, process, and structure course that introduces and reintroduces educators to the basic foundational theories, principles, and modern thought of human learning and cognition. This course will also provide for professional educative practice and application of these concepts for all learners in the academic community (birth to adult). This course also presents and compares contemporary theories of learning and addresses their application to learning.

There are multiple theoretical perspectives in this course that include: behaviorism, cognitive learning processes, information processing, cognitive development, and social cognitive learning. These foundational concepts have been applied to more modern thought through the process and structure of instructional and learning practices in today's schools that have not yet been recognized as a theory per se. Modern theory, structures, and processes that will be investigated from c