
Course Information

Cold War (HIS 341)

Term: 2011-2012 Academic Year Fall


Tue-Thu, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM (8/22/2011 - 12/9/2011) Location: MAIN ADM 309


?An iron curtain has descended?,? proclaimed former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. On March 5, 1946 in Fulton, MO, less than a mile from the William Woods? campus, Churchill created a lasting metaphor to describe the mounting crisis between the Soviet Union and the West that would come to dominate the globe for nearly the next half century. Not even a year after the Allied victory in World War II, the world was to be drawn into conflict again?a shadow war fought on both sides with ideology and fear. The Cold War was waged between Marxism and communism against democracy and capitalism. This course will explore the period from 1945-1991 from a global viewpoint, highlighting the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Covering topics ranging from James Bond to the Berlin Wall, students will explore the ways in which the struggle between communism and democracy influenced daily life, foreign policy, and global confli