
Course Information

Turning Pnts:Dcsns & Evnts shpd His (HIS 322)

Term: 2018-2019 Academic Year Spring


Dr. Craig Bruce Smith
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Tue-Thu, 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM (1/7/2019 - 4/26/2019) Location: MAIN BRTN 006


What would you do? The British army has fired at American colonists in Lexington and Concord; do you join the Patriots or keep your oath of loyalty to the King? Civil War has broken out and your home state has succeeded from the Union, but you are an officer in the US Army. Do you join the Confederacy? It?s August 1945, you?re Harry Truman and Japan won?t surrender. Do you drop the atomic bomb? History is full of turning points where the decisions of one person or a group of people have shaped the future. This course will explore these historical turning points and seek to understand why people made certain choices. Students will be asked to evaluate the mindset, ethics, and ideologies of historical individuals in order to evaluate decisions and consequences?ultimately asking the question ?What would I do??