
Course Information

Social Movements of 1960's - H or S (HIS 220)

Term: 2008-2009 Year Fall


harriet most yelon Yelon
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Tue-Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (8/25/2008 - 12/12/2008) Location: MAIN ADM 301


A survey of modern revolutionary movements which produced changes in the structures of societies in transition, and explores the preconditions for those movements, their ideologies, patterns of leadership, and strategies used to seize power. The course considers traditional theories of collective behavior, and examines recent theoritical and empirical debates about the nature of contemporary social and political movements. Particular emphasis will be placed ont the 1960's which encompasses the influence of rock and roll, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, political problems of the decade, the presidency, student protests, the Vietnam war, and enviornmental concerns.