
Course Information

Professional Development (ART 433)

Term: 2016-2017 Academic Year Fall


Mon-Wed-Fri, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (8/22/2016 - 12/9/2016) Location: MAIN KAC 202


This is an upper-level Graphic Design course structured to accomplish one primary objective: to provide a focused opportunity for individual students to become professionally certified in a particular area of Graphic Design software expertise. Students select an area of software specialization to pursue such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, or Lightroom, among others. They are then individually mentored to develop the requisite skills and knowledge to pass the industry certification exam in that area of study. Successfully passing the exam denotes a student as accomplished in that area of expertise and allows him or her to note that credential as part of their professional vita. Official certification builds knowledge, confidence, and self-esteem, and helps young designers stand out among their peers, particularly as it relates to hiring and promotion.
Prerequisites: ART202 and ART303